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Series 1 Episode 4: Twitter, Snapchat and Pinterest

Let’s talk about Twitter. Some say it’s dying, it’s not important or that they just don’t understand it. Fair enough. When it started out, Twitter or tweeting was limited to 140 characters. Now, it’s still relatively limited but you can retweet other people’s stuff, include links and images and get around that limit. But what […]

Series 1 Episode 6: How To Do It

Show 6 How To Do it We’ve discussed Facebook, customer service, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat and more in previous shows. Now let’s talk about putting it all together. First, you do have a website, right? If not, better get one going, pronto. If you need help, drop a note to to get started. But let’s assume […]

Something From (Almost) Nothing

One of the slickest business moves is creating a new product and experiencing the birth of a market. Things that didn’t exist until a “need” was created: Deodorant. Cellphones. Viagra. Personal computers. But a more interesting phenomenon is when you take an item that already exists and turn it into something valuable. Frank Purdue’s started branding […]

What’s Your Elevator Pitch?

I’ve been to consumer and trade events both as an exhibitor and an attendee. The cost of attending one of these things — either way — is usually considerable. In addition to the price of admission, there’s travel, accommodations, food, and in the case of exhibitors, booths, literature, displays, power, lights, carpet, table, chairs, plus […]